Nausea is a feeling of the stomach that leads to the urge to vomit. This is our basic reaction when something is wrong. Therefore, nausea is careful a symptom and not a illness itself. If you have not been suffering from upset stomach there are other disease that can origin this problem. Nausea is mainly a reaction; the body has, due to the attendance of some disease in your body.
Symptoms: dizziness, Stomach pain, sweating
Morning sickness, Indigestion, Motion and sea sickness, Very frequent occurrence during chemotherapy and while taking medicines, pancreatitis and many more, Stress, Drugs and alcohol, Dairy products, Consuming food more than your required, Nausea is a sign of illnesses like diarrhea, yeast and wheat products as well as sugar products may cause nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, fever, gastroenteritis, vomiting, headache, cancer, gallstones, depression, diabetes.
Treatment of Nausea:
- Ginger is a good ayurvedic medicine, mix it with your tea and get relief to your dizziness. Take 2 caps of it. It provides instant relief.
- Cumin seeds: Taking 1/2 tsp grounded cumin seed is useful to help relieve vomiting and nausea.
- Rice water: Boil 1/2 cup of rice in 1 cup water for 10 to 20 minutes and drink it.
- Wheat germ: Mix few tsp of wheat germ with milk, drink this mixture every hour will help diminish the sickness.
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