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Friday 23 August 2013

What is Urticaria

What is Urticaria?
Urticaria is a skin problem in which pale red swellings
Urticaria is a skin problem in which pale red swellings in groups on the outside of the skin are observed mostly on the trunk along with itching. Urticaria is a case of hypersensitivity response of the skin to allergens. Urticaria increases around loose tissues of the eyes or lips, the affected part may swell extremely causing pain and anxiety, although scary in emergence, the swelling ends away in 12 to 24 hours with correct treatment.
This disease is also known "Sheeta pitta" in Ayurveda.
Symptoms :
  • White or red patches on the skin with itching, burning and stinging.
  • The explosion may be as small as pin heads or as a rupee.
  • Fever, digestive disturbance, prostration.
  • The disease may have an effect on either part of the whole body.
  • The explosion may be rounded and often enfolded by a reddened zone.
  • Viral infection.
  • Emotional excitement.
  • Using drugs like penicillin, aspirin or quinine excessively.
  • Vaccines and blood transfusions.
  • Eating more quantity of strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes, oatmeal, nuts, wheat, fish, eggs, cheeze, chocolate and butter etc.
  • Synthetic products such as deodorant, cosmetic products, perfume and talcum powder, animal derivatives or similar synthetic substances may generate Urticaria.
  • Bites of flies, bedbugs, bees, wasps, mosquitoes.

Treatment of Urticaria by home remedies:

  1. Rose water and vinegar : When there is a brutal itching on the explosion, abut 40 ml rose water mix with 30 ml of vinegar and then apply locally to the affected part. This will give immediate relief.
  2. Salt : Dissolve about 15 grams of salt in water and give it to the patient. The throat should be tickled to persuade vomiting. This will assist to cure explosion.
  3. Turmeric : Patient should take 2 tsp of turmeric powder mixed with a cup of water daily.
  4. Mint : Boil 8 gm of mint and 30 gm of brown sugar together in about 170 ml of water and drunk. This will alleviate the itching.
Read more information click here

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