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Thursday, 12 September 2013



"Makara" represents a crocodile. It is a type of cultural asana.
"Makara" represents a crocodile. It is a type of cultural asana. The body takes for granted the shape of a crocodile floating in water. So, it is called Makarasana. This asana enlarges the heat of the body.
  1. First of all, lie on the earth face down, the chest touching the earth and both legs stretched out.
  2. Let the upper parts of the feet touch the earth. Make the heels upward.
  3. Lift the arms and set them in front of the head and grip the middle part of the right upper arm with the left hand and the middle part of the left upper arm with the right hand.
  4. Make the head downward and close the eyes.
  5. The head will relax on the abdomen, the thighs and the upper parts of the feet will touch the earth in a straight line.
  6. Let go the body while practicing this asana. Take breath deeply and contemplate on God.
  7. This asana should be done for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Free the pose when you begin to feel tension in the shoulders or neck muscles.
  9. Lie on your back and restart.
  1. This asana gives relaxation and rest to the body.
  2. This is beneficial to cure Asthma.
  3. It eliminates the fatigue and gives relaxation to all the parts of the body and mind.
  4. Abdominal muscles get automatic massage by doing this asana.
  5. It is helpful to reduce high blood pressure.
  6. It cures Genito-urinary disorders.
  7. This asana is beneficial to those whose spine or back is injured.
  8. It is beneficial to treat sciatica, backache, slipped disc and spondylitis in the lumber area.
Note :
  1. The people, who have been suffering from heart problem, high blood pressure, gas, obesity should not practice this asana.
  2. As the body is relaxed one is disposed to sleep which one should strictly pass up.
  3. The woman who is pregnant should not do it.
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