Tonsils play a main role in our body by preventing virus to enter our body. Tonsillitis is a name for the inflammation of the tonsils which are nearby at the rear end of the mouth.
This inflammation can take place as red marks on the region, or even white colored upraised marks. This small infection then excites your body's immune system to variety antibodies against future virus. When tonsils overwhelmed by a bacterial or viral virus, and they swell up and become inflamed. It is the result of tonsillitis. An infectious disease by nature, tonsillitis can increase very rapidly from one person to another. Tonsillitis difficulty can lead to ear virus which can lead to a serious problem.
When a child suffers from tonsillitis, it needs plenty of care and rest and if your child finds complexity in swallowing, you try serving liquids and soft foods, like milk shakes, nutrition soups, ice-cream or smoothies.
- Tonsillitis is caused by the main reason of gram positive bacteria known as streptococcus bacteria.
- It occurs mostly in winter and spring season.
- There are some of the viruses causing tonsillitis are as Influenza virus, Adenoviruses, Epstein-barr virus, Enteroviruses, Para- influenza viruses, Herpes simplex virus, etc.
- Viral infection is the main cause of this disease.
There are many symptoms appear in the patient of tonsillitis as like fever, difficulty during swallowing, headache, weird voice, tiredness, chills, swollen glands in the neck, bad breath, abnormal redness of tonsils, runny nose, a yellow or white coating on the tonsils, coughing and sneezing, nasal congestion, etc.
Home remedies:
- Mix a glass of hot water with 1 tsp lemon juice and some honey. It is very good for curing tonsillitis.
- Mix a pinch of turmeric powder (haldi) and pepper powder in a glass of boiled milk and take it every night to cure tonsillitis.
- Take about 12 gm of banafasa flowers and boil them in 50 ml of milk, take hot after being filtered.
- Mix 2 tsp onion juice with lukewarm water and gargle with it helps to cure tonsillitis.
- Mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of fresh ginger juice, with 2 tsp of warm water and gargle with it for the treat of tonsillitis.
Do's and Don’t:
- Do not take all sour foods, including butter milk and pickles.
- Avoid any spicy or hot foods.
- Do not take all acidic drinks and beverages such as tea and coffee.
- Avoid talking much.
- You should take good knowledge of hygiene.
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